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A 4-part mindfulness series, working with the three pillars of meditation: body, breath and mind.
Bring your lunch to Main Library and meditate! Participants can cultivate the practice of mindfulness through sitting still and connecting with their authentic selves, dropping judgements of what should or shouldn’t be. Sessions will be led by Brent Haas of Rustbelt Zen.
Rustbelt Zen builds the fabric of community and responds to the signals of our world - the joys, sorrows, the fear, the celebration. Rustbelt holds no pre-conceived notions as to what shape the world takes, we are here to bring everyday activists into the practice of mindfulness - from the cushion to the urban streets, from the rural rivers to city jungles.
Brent Haas is a Zen Buddhist practitioner for over 20 years, on the path of a Zen priest candidate, and founder of Rustbelt Zen. Originally from Ohio, Brent splits his time between his practice at the San Francisco Zen Center and Ohio.